Snowplows operate by pushing snow to the right. Piling snow to the right of your driveway and mailbox (as you face the road) will help reduce the amount of snow pushed into or in front of your driveway and mailbox. Snow must be piled as to not obstruct motorist vision.
With the onset of winter, Livingston County Road Commission would like to remind homeowners and those in the snow removal business of the Michigan State Law (1949 P.A. 300, as amended MCLA 257.677a) that prohibits depositing snow, ice or slush on any roadway or highway. This happens frequently when plow operators push snow across the road or along the shoulder adjacent to driveways. Compliance with the law provides a safer roadway for our community during inclement weather.
Our plows sometimes push snow onto driveways as the snow leaves the plow and we really don’t have a choice. We know that it’s frustrating to shovel your driveway and then have the plow come by and push snow back at the base. Although we’d like to minimize the problem, there is no “efficient” way to plow the roadway so that your driveway remains snow free.
One way to assure that minimal snow will be piled in your driveway entrance is to follow the diagram provided here (click to enlarge).
Remember, it is hazardous and illegal to shovel or blow snow onto any public roadway once the road has been plowed. All shoveled or blown snow should be piled in your yard. Please follow the suggestion below to minimize windrows in your driveway opening.
Shovel the snow to the right side of your drive as you face the road, and clear a pocket of snow on the opposite side of your driveway.
The accumulated snow on the plow will dump into the pocket and NOT in your driveway.
This simple procedure will minimize the amount of residual snow being plowed from the roadway into your driveway.
If an accident were to occur because of the snow you (or your plowing service**) had placed on the public right-of-way, you could be held liable. Your best bet when clearing snow is to pile all of it on your own property.
While you’re out there, clear the area in front of your mailbox (if yours is at the curbside) after the plow has passed. If the mail carrier can reach your mailbox, you can expect to receive your bills and flyers in a timely manner.
If there’s a hydrant in the in front of your home, clear a path to and around it from the roadway so firefighters can find and get to it quickly in case of an emergency.