Livingston County Road Commission


 As of March 1, 2024, the Livingston County Road Commission WILL NOT be implementing the Springtime Weight Restrictions.  Single Move Permits and Annual Transportation Permits will be issued and continue to be valid at this time.


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Road damage done by heavy vehicles during winter and spring thawing periods is a problem that affects all northern states. Unless a roadway has been designed and constructed for heavy vehicle loads year-round (aka all-weather road), a significant loss of strength occurs during a seasonal thaw period. The damage to a road is directly related to the amount and frequency of the loading applied.

State law mandates the institution of weight restrictions from March 1st to May 1st of every year, but the statute also allows the Michigan Department of Transportation and the county road commissions to implement those restrictions earlier or suspend reduced loading, depending on weather and road conditions. Historically, the Livingston County Road Commission has implemented the Springtime Weight Restrictions the last week of February.

All Weather Roads

Below is a list of the All Weather Roads in Livingston County maintained by the LCRC

AVALON COURT – west off Kensington Court
BARRON ROAD – Oak Grove east to Marlene Dr
BLAINE ROAD – M-59 south 1050 ft. to Wal-Mart Drive
BUNO ROAD – east off Kensington Road to Muir Road
BURKHART ROAD – M-59 to Grand River
CLARK ROAD – M-59 north 300 ft to Rovey Dr
EULER ROAD – Grand River north to end of pavement
FLEMING ROAD – Grand River north ¼ mile
HAMBURG ROAD – in village of Hamburg from M-36
HARTLAND ROAD – M-59 north 2300 ft. (including roundabout)
HYDRAULIC DRIVE – east off Burkhart
KENSINGTON COURT – south off Silver Lake Road
KENSINGTON ROAD – Buno to Silver Lake Road
LATSON ROAD – from M-59 south to eastbound ramp of I-96
LAWSON DRIVE – north of Grand River 1303 ft (to roundabout)
LEE ROAD – from Whitmore Lake Road east to Fieldcrest (through Roundabout’s)
LOCHLIN DRIVE – off Kensington Court
MALTBY ROAD – Whitmore Lake Road to Rickett Road
MARLENE DR – east from Oak Grove Road to Livingston Aggregates
OAK GROVE – M-59 to Barron Road
OLD US 23 ROAD – Grand River to North County Line
PINCKNEY ROAD – from I-96 to Howell City Limit
PINCKNEY ROAD – from M-36 North one mile to Fykes Gravel Pit
PLEASANT VALLEY – M-59 south to Lone Tree Road
RUNYAN LAKE ROAD – Clyde Road south to Transfer Station
SILVER LAKE ROAD –  Kensington Road west ½ mile
SPENCER ROAD – Old US 23 west to I-96
VICTORY LANE – Grand River south to end
WHITE LAKE ROAD – Bennett Lake Road to US 23
WHITMORE LAKE ROAD -Grand River to Eight Mile

Click for Interactive Map

Loads on all other roads not listed above must be reduced to no more than 65% of normal legal loading.

For additional information contact the LCRC, Permit Office at 3535 Grand Oaks Drive, Howell, Michigan, (517) 546-4250.