Livingston County Road Commission

About Us

The road commission is a separate unit of government, removed from county general government.  Funded by gasoline taxes and vehicle registration fees, property taxes are not a part of our revenues.

The activities of road commissions vary from county to county.  In Livingston County we tend to split our time between maintaining gravel and paved roads with a nearly equal proportion of each in our system.  We have to accommodate farm to market roadways with less than 200 cars per day.  And, at the other end of the spectrum, urban arterial roadways with 22,000 cars per day and the challenges each bring.




The Livingston County Road Commission is comprised of three major functional areas, under which a variety of services are performed: Administration, Engineering and Operations.  Within each of these areas are various sections through which our wide range of services are provided to state agencies, local municipalities, developers, contractors, and the general public.

Services include, but are not limited to: road maintenance and construction, bridge maintenance and replacement, traffic services, right-of-way acquisitions, surveying, and planning for future road projects.  Other services include permit issuances for all proposed work by private citizens, local communities and public utilities within the county road right-of-way.

Did you know?

Michigan became a territory in 1805 and in 1827 townships were given responsibility for road building within their jurisdictions.  When Michigan became a State in 1837 the constitution provided for a continuation of the township road system.

Under Michigan Law townships which controlled the construction and maintenance of the roads were divided into numerous road districts, each under the charge of a highway commissioner or overseer.
